Resume Guide
A resume is the primary marketing tool in your job search. The challenge of effective resume writing is that you must
be creative and provide organized and concise thoughts, while working in a clearly prescribed structure. Your
ultimate goal is to develop a unique piece, outstanding for its personalized content and its visual appeal. Exceptional
resume writing can be extremely challenging and require many revisions, but it is worth the effort the payoff is
attracting the attention of prospective employers.
Resume DOs and DON’Ts
DO write your own resume. Your resume should be authentic and accurately reflect your goals and
achievements; you are the best person to accomplish this task. You are the best person qualified to organize and
develop your resume. Considering the importance in today’s competitive marketplace, it is not in your best
interest to allow anyone else to write your resume.
DO use industry-specific language. Develop your resume with professional jargon and industry “buzzwords”
appropriate to the particular occupation you are seeking. Increasingly, employers are relying upon computer
programs that scan resumes for keywords don’t let your resume be passed over for failure to include keywords
that demonstrate your job-related skills.
DO ensure that your resume is error-free. Proofread your final draft and ask at least two other people to
proofread it as well. Check for improper grammar, inconsistency in language or layout, spelling or punctuation
errors, poor construction of the content, typos, etc. (Don’t rely solely on spell-check!)
DO NOT go wild with the design of your resume. Avoid horizontal and vertical lines, script, shading and
graphics, which can bleed or blotch when copied or faxed. Pick a readable font such as Century Gothic or
Helvetica (at the very least 10 pt) and be sure to leave enough white space at the margins. All margins should
be at least 0.7”. (Graphic Design Majors contact Career Services about unique resume designs)
DO NOT ramble on. Reviewing a resume is NOT like reading a book! The average reviewer will spend 30
seconds or less to look at your resume and will typically scan sections and bullet points. Be concise, use
phrases instead of sentences and avoid paragraphs. For recent graduates, your resume should be one page.
For graduate students and those with extensive work histories, your resume can go onto a second page if
Resume Format
There are various sections to an effective resume. The sections, format and arrangement you use will depend on
the resume type you select, and should be uniquely tailored to your education, background, and experience. All
resumes should include a heading and education section, as well as a section describing your experience.
Items to be listed in this section include:
Full Name Email address
Address LinkedIn/Skype
Phone Number
Note: Only list your home (permanent) address if it is pertinent to your job search; for example, if you are looking for
a summer internship in your hometown, you may want to list your address there as well as your local (campus)
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
OBJECTIVES (optional)
Objectives can be used by students with limited or no work experience. The objective is the statement of purpose for
your resume, creating a frame of reference for the reader.
Examples of Career Objectives
An entry-level position in marketing within the consumer products industry.
Counseling internship within a social service agency serving the needs of disadvantaged youth.
A position in development with a non-profit organization that makes use of my excellent research and
writing skills.
This section is a great opportunity to make a strong first impression to a potential employer as you intentionally
highlight your key skills and strengths. A summary of qualifications allows you to select the most salient information
from your resume and adjust them to correlate with the particular job position you are applying for.
Examples of Summary Statements:
Over 3 years’ experience providing exceptional customer service. Proven ability to effectively handle difficult
situations. Highly motivated, energetic, and creative.
Dependable and creative sales and marketing professional with global experience seeking brand
management experience. Excellent communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills. Ability to multi-task
and meet deadlines.
Extensive teamwork experience gained in field work and volunteer opportunities. Possess knowledge,
enthusiasm, and commitment to mentoring programs demonstrated by summer position at Second Step
Mentoring. Proven ability to assist diverse individuals from a broad range of backgrounds, including at-risk
youth and families.
In this section, list your degrees in reverse chronological order. Note: After your sophomore year of college, your
high school should not be on this list. Transfer students should only list the college from which they will actually earn
their degree. Examples include:
Degrees earned or anticipated Academic honors and awards
Schools attended, including study abroad GPA (especially if strong)
Areas of study pursued (majors, minors) Relevant coursework
Depending upon your background, it may be appropriate to list the following areas as subsections of education:
Certifications you have achieved Co-curricular Activities
Honors and Awards. Include the name of the award, the date received, and any affiliated organizations.
This section can be a combination of paid and unpaid work, listed in reverse chronological order (starting with your
most recent experience first).
Organization name and location (city/state) Position title
Transferable skills you demonstrated Dates of service (e.g. 20XX-20XX)
Wherever possible, quantify and/or qualify the outcomes of your efforts. For positions you currently have, use
present tense; otherwise, all descriptions should be in past tense. Avoid phrases such as “duties included” in favor of
more action-oriented phrases that clearly identify your accomplishments and the positive impact you had on the
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
ACTIVITIES (optional)
Highlight organizations in which you are/were an active participant, offices held, and the results of your work:
Dates of involvement (year to year is sufficient) Offices held
Name of organization Noteworthy achievements/activities
SKILLS (optional)
List items such as: knowledge of computer programs, including Microsoft Office, foreign languages
including level of proficiency, and technical expertise in your field
MILITARY SERVICE (if applicable)
Branch of service and dates
Do not list the names of your references on your resume in fact, you do not even need to state that references
are “available upon request. An employer will request references after you have reached the interview stage.
Instead, prepare a reference list to bring with you to interviews. The reference list provides a listing of individuals who
can attest to your qualifications for a particular position. These individuals should also be familiar with your skills and
personal attributes. References should be individuals who know you professionally and know you well. They may
Supervisors from internships, full-time, part-time, or volunteer work
Academic advisors
Student group advisors
Avoid using personal references (family members, neighbors, etc.). Make sure to contact your references first to ask
their permission to be listed--then give them a copy of your resume and information about the positions for which you
are applying, so that they will be prepared if someone contacts them. Make sure you feel the individuals you are
considering will give you a positive recommendation.
Your reference list should include the following information:
Name of reference
Complete work mailing address
Work phone number
E-mail address (if appropriate)
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
The following should serve as a checklist of categories for your resume. While most elements are required, some
are optional.
Name, phone number, email address, mailing address
SUMMARY (optional) refer to page 2 for more detailed information
A summary statement begins your resume with a brief list of skills, experiences, and personal traits
you have to offer an employer. You can target this statement to better highlight your strengths.
Institution name, institution location, expected month/year of graduation, title of degree, major, minor
Optional additions:
o GPA (3.0 or higher)
o Relevant Coursework
o Connected Learning
o Study Abroad
o Honors (optional) - List any awards, scholarships, or special recognitions
Name of organization/company, city/state, job title, duration of employment
List positions in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
Focus on activities, work, and internship experiences that are most relevant to the future employer
Indicate not only what you did, but also how you did the work, the results of your actions, and a brief
description of the organization/environment in which you worked.
Provide details that support actions and describe your accomplishments using dynamic verbs
You can group your experiences based on categories of positions or skills that are relevant to the
employer (e.g. Communication Experience, Customer Service Experience, Leadership Experience)
Club memberships, organizations, associations, sports, leadership positions
Hobbies, travel, and volunteer activities, including work with the Center for Community Based
Before employers read the first word of your resume, the layout will predispose them toward a positive or a negative
evaluation of your candidacy. Therefore, it is important to pay particular attention to the design and production
details of your resume. Keep in mind that there are exceptions to every rule. Please contact Career Services for
more details and any questions you may have. Here are a few basic essential guidelines to keep in mind:
One page is standard, but a two-page resume may be acceptable
Use bold, italics, and underline sparingly
Margins can be .5-1 inch, font can be 10-12 point
Save as .PDF to maintain format, especially when sending electronically
Focus on the skills, accomplishments, and experiences most relevant to the position(s) you are pursuing
Qualify and quantify descriptions of experience with details unique to your experience
Avoid templates; they are often restrictive
Do not use first person pronouns (my, me, I)
Avoid phrases like: “duties/responsibilities include,” “assisted/helped/aided with” focus on active language
Omit the phrase “References available upon request”
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Resume Format
The style or format you choose for your resume is essential to its impact. The style you choose should allow you to
bring your most important accomplishments and experience to the top of your resume, and to focus the reader on
those skills, experiences or achievements that connect most clearly with your career goals. The most common
resume styles are:
The most widely used format and the one most familiar to employers, this resume style is arranged in reverse
chronological order, with the most recent experience listed first in each section. It is a good idea to first write your
resume in a chronological format. The chronological resume is the best choice for most undergraduate students.
This style organizes your information, ensuring that you cover all your pertinent experience
Advantages: Focuses on the positions held and emphasizes the progression of your work experience. If
the experience you have is career-related and reflects the skills and experience you wish to use in your next
job, this style will serve you well
Disadvantages: If there is not a direct correlation between your previous experience and your future goals,
this format may not focus the reader on your transferable skills or potential
This format highlights skills that best categorize your experience and correlate with the abilities necessary to work in
your chosen field.
Advantages: Emphasizes experience and skills that may be transferable to several fields rather than
specific positions held. It allows you to group your most important qualifications under skills or experience
headings that can link you to your career goals. This format may provide a distinct advantage to career
changers and people with little or no direct experience in their field of choice
Disadvantages: Because your "employment history" typically appears at the bottom of this resume format
and has no description, it may raise questions for the reader
The combination style combines elements of both the chronological and functional formats. The focus is on the skills
and experience you can bring to a work setting rather than on your work history.
Advantages: The emphasis is on the skills and experience that you bring to your field. This format allows
you to focus the reader on the skills you determine are most important, while also offering you the opportunity
to briefly describe your job-related accomplishments
Disadvantages: A combination resume is more difficult to write because it relies on your ability to analyze
your skills and explicitly relate them to both your past experiences and your future employment
Many employers now utilize database technology to store and search resumes that are sent to them by potential
employees. Recruiters and employers alike search these databases by using industry-specific keywords or “buzz
words.” Keywords are nouns or phrases that highlight professional, technical areas of expertise, or industry-related
jargon. If your resume contains the appropriate keywords, it is more likely to be selected from the database.
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Use this worksheet to help you develop your resume. This exercise will assist you in determining what information to
include best assessing your qualifications and defining your career objective. Once you have an exhaustive list, you
can then select the strongest elements and select which resume reformat will be the most appropriate for you.
Header Information
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________, State: ______________ Zip: _______________
Phone Number (include area code) ____________________ Email Address: _____________________
Career Goals / Objective
Begin by listing your career goals, future intentions, and pertinent skills. This will assist you in the development of
your career objective.
Career Goals: ______________________________________________________________________________
Future Intentions: ___________________________________________________________________________
Pertinent Skills: ____________________________________________________________________________
University/College/Location/Degree/Date (if current student, list as “expected or anticipated graduation May, 20XX”)
Major and Minor ___________________________________________________________________________
Relevant Courses, Concentration ______________________________________________________________
Additional Education, Training, Certificates, or Licenses ______________________________________________
Phrases that describe what you can do---use action words see following page for a list of suggested action words
What have you accomplished? List items that are related to your objective. Think of related job activities in terms of
qualitative and quantitative achievements/results.
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Work History/Employment History
Position Title _________________________________________________________________________________
Employer _________________________________________________________________________________
City/State ________________________________________________________________________________
Dates of Employment (Year to year is appropriate) ________________________________________________
Duties, achievements, notable accomplishments, leadership roles ____________________________________
Activities and Interests (Include dates when appropriate) _________________________________________
Additional categories, which you can choose from to fit your specific attributes:
Special Skills (photography, drafting, etc) ________________________________________________________
Language Skills (level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing) _________________________________
Memberships (spell out, indicate leadership roles) _________________________________________________
Awards/Honors (academic honors can be included with Education section) _____________________________
Military Service (include Branch of Service and dates) ____________________________________________
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Sample Action Verbs
The following are sample action verbs to assist you in developing your resume, grouped by skill set:
Approved Compiled Indexed Prepared Scheduled Tabulated
Arranged Dispatched Inspected Processed Screened Unified
Cataloged Executed Monitored Purchased Specified Validated
Classified Generated Operated Recorded Systematized
Collected Implemented Organized Retrieved
Addressed Convinced Edited Justified Persuaded Recruited
Arbitrated Corresponded Enlisted Lectured Promoted Spoke
Arranged Developed Formulated Mediated Publicized Translated
Authored Directed Influenced Moderated Reconciled Wrote
Collaborated Drafted Interpreted Negotiated
Acted Customized Established Initiated Invented Planned
Built Designed Fashioned Instituted Originated Revitalized
Conceptualized Developed Founded Integrated Performed Shaped
Constructed Directed Illustrated Introduced Pioneered
Administered Appraised Budgeted Developed Marketed Projected
Allocated Audited Calculated Forecasted Planned Researched
Analyzed Balanced Computed Managed
Advocated Coached Diagnosed Expedited Guided Referred
Assessed Counseled Educated Facilitated Modeled Rehabilitated
Clarified Demonstrated Empowered Familiarized Motivated Represented
Achieved Consolidated Developed Increased Planned Reviewed
Administered Contracted Directed Led Prioritized Scheduled
Anticipated Coordinated Evaluated Organized Produced Strengthened
Assigned Delegated Executed Oversaw Recommended Supervised
Analyzed Diagnosed Extracted Interpreted Observed Summarized
Clarified Evaluated Handled Interviewed Organized Surveyed
Collected Examined Identified Investigated Researched Systematized
Critiqued Experimented Inspected Measured Reviewed
Adapted Communicated Enabled Facilitated Instructed Sparked
Advised Coordinated Encouraged Guided Motivated Stimulated
Clarified Demystified Evaluated Informed Persuaded Strengthened
Coached Developed Explained Inspired Set Goals Trained
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Sample Resume
Newton, MA 02466
(617) 555-4444
Summary Hospitality and Event Planning major with proven customer service and problem-
solving skills. Recognized for flexibility, creativity, attention to detail and producing
quality results
Expected May 20XX
Lasell University, Newton, MA
Bachelor of Science
Major: Hospitality and Event Management
Cumulative GPA: 3.72/4.0
Major GPA: 3.88/4.0
Hospitality & Customer Service Experience
American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) 20XX-Present
Alumni Ambassador
Serve as institutional representative and promote AIFS to prospective students
Contribute relevant content for AIFS newsletter publication
Address inquiries about organization and maintain e-mail correspondences
20XX-Present Lasell University, International
Office Global Ambassador
Promote the Study Abroad program to prospective and incoming students
Participate during orientation, special events, information sessions and panel
Market materials and serve as resident representative of programmatic materials
Old Navy 20XX-20XX
Sales Associate
Promoted after one year from sales associate to manager trainee
Maintained knowledge of sales promotions, policies regarding payment and
exchanges, and security practices
Demonstrated superior communication skills while interacting with store guests
Proficient with Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel Power Point,
Outlook, and Dreamweaver
Bilingual, fluent in English and Spanish
Activities International Ecotourism Society (TIES) 20XX- Present
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Sample Resume
1844 Commonwealth Ave., Box 0
Newton, MA 02466
(617) 617-0000
Human Services student with exceptional interpersonal, conflict resolution, and organizational skills.
Proven ability to effectively persuade and guide clients with difficult personalities/behaviors. Possess
knowledge of OSHA regulations. CPR and First Aid Certified by the American Red Cross.
May 20XX
Lasell University, Newton,
MA Bachelor of Arts
Major: Human Services
Relevant Courses include: Field Intervention Strategies, Psychology of Drugs & Behavior,
Community Psychology, Dynamics of Small Groups
McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA Fall 20XX
Facilitated group sessions pertaining to life skills, parenting, and addiction recovery
Conducted intake interviews and needs assessments for new clients
Organized and collated discharge patient files
Tutored and helped prepare clients for GED exams
Mount Auburn Prevention and Recovery Center, Cambridge, MA 20XX-20XX
Assisted with case management duties and referrals
Reorganized filing system for agency-affiliated homes and charitable agencies
Youth Advocate Program, Harrisburg, PA Summer 20XX
Co-facilitated support groups for parents
Provided supportive counseling with participants’ parents
Maintained confidentiality and client records
Bilingual, fluent in English and Spanish. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel, and Power
Point, and SPSS.
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Sample Resume
1844 Commonwealth Ave
Newton, MA 02466
EDUCATION Lasell University, Newton, MA
Bachelor of Science, Expected May 20XX
Double Major in Accounting and Finance
Minor in Mathematics
GPA: 3.7/4.0
Honors: Dean’s List, Lasell Leadership Scholarship Program
Bose Corporation, Framingham, MA Summer 2012
Accounts Payable Clerk
Performed nationwide analysis for over 1,200 employee expense reports to predict
cost-saving from proposed policy change
Processed and verified employee expense reports and input into SAP
Created system in Excel to capture detail of invoices per accounting clerk
Bose Corporation, Framingham, MA Summer 2011
Accounts Payable Clerk
Processed employee expense reports
Provided administrative support to department
Summer 20XX Lasell University, Newton,
MA Business Office
Processed invoices using White Plains software to facilitate transactions between
Lasell University m faculty staff, and external vendors
Ensured appropriate tax documents were received and maintained filing system for
accounting records
Prepared and coordinated printing and mailing of checks to ensure timely
payments for services received
Lasell University Athletic Department, Newton, MA
20XX-20XX Game Day Manager
Supervised XX student employees and coordinated activities
Ensured proper set-up at athletic events\
Posted, recorded, and called scores into newspapers
SKILLS Proficient in Microsoft Office applications, White Plains and Peachtree, and SAP.
Comfortable interacting with all levels of the organization with superior communication
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Sample Resume
1844 Commonwealth Ave., Box 0
Newton, MA 02466
(617) 617-0000
Creative Fashion and Retail Merchandising graduate with experience in fashion journalism, wardrobe
styling, and public relations. Gained experience in fashion show productions in prominent cities including
New York, London, and Boston. Proven experience working under pressure, prioritizing multiple tasks,
while paying close attention to detail.
Lasell University, Newton, MA
Bachelor of Science, May 20XX
Major: Fashion and Retail Marketing
American InterContinental University (AIU), London, England, Spring 20XX
AIU Fashion Show: Managed backstage, assisted models and dressers, developed director and
model charts, collaborated with modeling agents, and facilitated model casting calls
Maguire Steele, Manhattan, NY
Fashion PR Intern, 20XX-20XX
Promoted high-end fashion companies such as Shipley & Halmos, Timo Weiland, Billy Reid, Kai-Aakman,
Florsheim by Duckie Brown, Florsheim Limited, Odin, Foundry NYC, and
Contacted press and publications, buyers, stylists, photographers, and other industry leaders to promote and
inform events for clients
Worked with Timo Weiland at the Spring/Summer 20XX Presentation at Lincoln Center and the Elise
Overland runway show during New York Fashion Week
Writing and Public Relation Intern, 20XX-20XX
Researched eco-friendly designers and domestically made products for collection
Managed social media to maximize production promotion
Heretic City, Boston, MA
Sales Representative, 20XX-Present
Represented, distributed, and promoted for Graphic Apparel at Boston’s first Independent Designer’s Market
Abercrombie & Fitch, Boston, MA
Sales Associate, 20XX-20XX
Greeted customers and communicated product knowledge resulting in increased sales
Polished Magazine (, Boston, MA
Writer and Editor, 20XX-20XX
Researched and wrote articles, interviewed fashion designers, and documented street fashion
Assigned writers to articles, evaluated and edited material
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness
Sample Resume
Terry Lasell
1844 Commonwealth Ave. Box 0 0 Miller Road
Newton, MA 02466 Barre, VT 05641
617-795-0000 8022-476-0000
Event Planning graduate with customer service background, interpersonal, and problem solving skills.
Recognized for flexibility, creativity, and attention to detail. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications,
including Word, Power Point, and Excel.
Lasell University Newton, MA, Expected May
20XX Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
GPA: 3.2/4.0
Dean’s List (Fall 20XX, Spring’s 20XX, 20XX)
Presidential Scholarship
Connected Learning
Lasell Votes Coordinator, Fall 20XX
Planned and implemented voter awareness program resulting in a 25% increase in registered
Newton Bistro, Newton, MA, 20XX-20XX
Exhibited outstanding food and beverage service to customers
Escorted guests to the their tables and offered and advice on the menu
Chosen to train five new employees on restaurant policy and layout, resulting in fewer errors
and a positive team
Processed credit cards and cash in excess of $800K
Coordinated staff schedule to meet customer needs.
Lasell University Campus Activities Member 20XX to
Present Habitat for Humanity Club Member- 20XX to Present
Community Connections Program -20XX to 20XX
Lasell University Center for Career Readiness